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Download WinTopo

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Then click the button to download and install WinTopo:

WinTopo Freeware
Download WinTopo
(File size: 29.1Mb)
WinTopo Pro
Download WinTopo Pro
(File size: 28.8Mb)
[+] What are the minimum system requirements for running WinTopo?
In general, if your computer is running Windows 7 or higher, then it will run WinTopo. The minimum specification is approximately:
  • Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 or Windows 10
  • 1GHz Intel or AMD CPU.
  • 0.5Gb of system memory.
  • 50Mb of free storage space.
[+] My computer does not permit the download?

If your security system does not permit downloading of the executable file, try downloading this zip file which contains the installer for both the freeware and pro version.

[+] If I download WinTopo Freeware, can I try out WinTopo Pro too?

The freeware download will install both WinTopo Freeware and the evaluation for WinTopo Pro. The WinTopo Pro part adds only a small amount to the overall download. We hope you will try WinTopo Pro, as well as using WinTopo Freeware. If you don't want WinTopo Pro after installing, just delete the desktop shortcut icon.

[+] Is it 32bit or 64bit?

The Wintopo Pro installer will install the 64bit version on a 64bit computer, and the 32bit version on a 32bit computer. WinTopo Freeware is 32bit and will run on either 32bit or 64bit computers.